Java Developer Course Bundle
3693 Enrolled
5 Courses & 65 Hours
What's Included

$89.00 Value
Beginner Java Essentials for Android Course
100 Lessons (8h)

- Certification included
- Experience level required: All levels
- Access 100 lectures & 8 hours of content 24/7
- Length of time users can access this course: Lifetime
Course Curriculum
100 Lessons (8h)
- Section 1: WelcomeLecture 1 - Welcome
- Section 2: Programming EnvironmentLecture 2 - Programming Playground
- Section 3: Primitive Data TypesLecture 3 - Java Int OperationsLecture 4 - Int Operations Code (Optional)Lecture 5 - Java Int Operations LabLecture 6 - Java Data TypesLecture 7 - Data Type ExamplesLecture 8 - Int Examples (Optional)Lecture 9 - Variable Declarations LectureLecture 10 - More Primitive Data TypesLecture 11 - Float Examples (Optional)Lecture 12 - Char Examples (Optional)Lecture 13 - Boolean Examples (Optional)Lecture 14 - Java Data Types, Variables, and Assignment Lab
- Section 4: Constants, Casting and CommentsLecture 15 - ConstantsQuiz 1 - Constants QuizLecture 16 - Constants Examples (Optional)Lecture 17 - Float Division And Math LibraryLecture 18 - Math Examples (Optional)Quiz 2 - Floats and Math Library QuizLecture 19 - CastingLecture 20 -Casting Examples (Optional)Lecture 21 - Casting Char Examples (Optional)Quiz 3 - Casting QuizLecture 22 - CommentsLecture 23 - Comments Examples (Optional)
- Section 5: StringsLecture 24 - String ConcatenationLecture 25 - String Concatenation Examples (Optional)Lecture 26 - StringsLecture 27 - Strings Examples (Optional)Lecture 28 - String LectureLecture 29 - String Lecture Examples (Optional)Quiz 4 - Strings Quiz
- Section 6: Selection Control StructuresLecture 30 - If Then ElseLecture 31 - If Then Else Examples (Optional)Lecture 32 - More Comparison OperatorsLecture 33 - Comparison Operator Examples (Optional)Lecture 34 - Multiple ConditionsLecture 35 - Multiple Condition Examples (Optional)Lecture 36 - Complementing ConditionsLecture 37 - Complement Examples (Optional)Lecture 38 - If Then Else LabLecture 39 - SwitchLecture 40 - Switch Examples (Optional)Lecture 41 - If-Then-Else, Nested-If, and Switch Exercises
- Section 7: MethodsLecture 42 - MethodsLecture 43 - Print Welcome Example (Optional)Lecture 44 - Triple Example (Optional)Lecture 45 - Max Example (Optional)Lecture 46 - Is Positive Example (Optional)Lecture 47 - Testing Methods with JUnitLecture 48 - Testing Methods With JUnit (Optional)Lecture 49 - More Methods (isOdd)Lecture 50 - isOdd Method (Optional)Lecture 51 - More Methods (isValid)Lecture 52 - isValid Method (Optional)Lecture 53 - Methods with Local VariablesLecture 54 - Get LargestLecture 55 - Methods Lab
- Section 8: Programming in Eclipse (Optional - use Android Studio instead for Android)Lecture 56 - Install Eclipse on a MacLecture 57 - Eclipse Hello WorldLecture 58 - JUnit testing in EclipseLecture 59 - Customizing Eclipse Section 9: ClassesLecture 60 - Classes with Static MethodsLecture 61 - Classes with Static Methods (Distance Converter)Lecture 62 - Classes with Instance MethodsLecture 63 - Classes with Instance Methods (Balloon)Lecture 64 - Classes LectureLecture 65 - ConstructorsLecture 66 - Class Examples In AppsLecture 67 - Classes Lab Section 10: Inheritance, Interfaces, and Abstract ClassesLecture 68 - InheritanceLecture 69 - More InheritanceLecture 70 - InheritanceLecture 71 - InterfacesLecture 72 - Interfaces (Weighable)Lecture 73 - Using Existing Java InterfacesLecture 74 - Interfaces Java API (Burger)Lecture 75 - Interfaces LectureLecture 76 - Abstract ClassesLecture 77 - Abstract Classes (Dialer)Lecture 78 - Inner Classes
- Section 11: Looping Control StructuresLecture 79 - LoopsLecture 80 - Loops Lab
- Section 12: ArraysLecture 81 - ArraysLecture 82 - Using Arrays with MethodsLecture 83 - Arrays LectureLecture 84 - Arrays of ObjectsLecture 85 - Arrays Lab
- Section 13: ArrayListsLecture 86 - ArrayListsLecture 87 - ArrayLists with Primitive Data TypesLecture 88 - Foreach and IteratorsLecture 89 - Array List Lecture
- Section 14: Android with Android StudioLecture 90 - Android Studio InstallLecture 91 - Android Hello WorldLecture 92 - Modify Hello World
- Section 15: Android Labs in WebIDE (Optional)Lecture 93 - Hello World LabLecture 94 - Rock, Paper, Scissors LabLecture 95 - Tic Tac Toe Lab
- Section 16: Android with Eclipse (Deprecated - i.e.Not Recommended, but here if you need it)Lecture 96 - Eclipse Android Install (Not Recommended)Lecture 97 - Android Hello WorldLecture 98 - Android Eclipse AVD TroubleshootingLecture 99 - Tour of Hello WorldLecture 100 - Rock, Paper, ScissorsLecture 101 - Modify Hello WorldLecture 102 - Hello World Modification (Optional)
- Section 17: ConclusionLecture 103 - Additional Resources and Conclusion
Beginner Java Essentials for Android Course
UdemyDr. David Janzen has been teaching students and professionals to program for over 15 years. He is a Professor of Computer Science at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, a consultant and trainer with Simex, and co-founder of Steadfast Innovation, LLC, creators of the Papyrus natural note-taking app. Description
- 100 lectures including 8+ hours of high quality content
- Introduction to Java concepts you will need to develop on Android
- Covers Java data types, strings, control structures, methods, classes, arrays, and more
- Lessons use an automated tutor, proven to significantly improve student learning
- Understand automated testing with JUnit
- Introduction to Android
- Understand Eclipse IDE to install the professional tools you need for Java & Android development
- Certificate of completion
Details & Requirements
- Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
- Access options: web streaming
- Certification of completion included
- Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
- Experience level required: all level
- Internet browser required

$49.00 Value
Dynamic Website Building with Java Course
64 Lessons (10h)

$39.00 Value
Java Spring Framework Course
174 Lessons (28h)

$65.00 Value
Java Data Structures & Algorithms Course
102 Lessons (5h)

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All-Level Java Swing Course
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- Instant digital download
- Deal price in US Dollars (USD)
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